The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

The Sun'll Come Out Tomorrow

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This image of the rising sun was created at Matanzas Inlet, FL with the Canon 800mm f/5.L IS lens, the 2X III teleconverter, and the EOS-1D Mark IV. ISO 400. Evaluative metering -3 stops: 1/3200 sec. at f/11. I focused (off the imaging sensor) using Live View/Live Mode as described in detail in both the 7D and the Mark IV User’s Guides.

Hand Report

Today, Friday May 13, was a challenging one in terms of pain management. The middle finger left hand kept me awake for a few hours before dawn so when I got out of bed I took a pain pill and within 30 minutes felt better. Rather than take another in 5 1/2 hours I decided to wait. Mistake. When I finally took a second one it was too late; the pain overtook the effects of the pill. And by afternoon the pain had shifted more to the palm. After lunch noted west coast hand surgeon Dr. Steve Garren returned my call. He felt strongly that after six days on antibiotics I should not still be in pain from the infection. But I was in considerable pain.

He suggested a different antibiotic that he felt had an excellent chance of knocking down the infection. I had the prescription filled and Jim picked it up for me. Steve was concerned that the pain had spread from the finger to the palm. The swelling has remained constant since last Sunday. There are no red streaks to be seen. Steve also stated that I would be fine taking two pain pills every four hours rather than the one every six hours as per the label. Much better. I will take my second dose before bed, Steve said that if I were not vastly improved by Monday that I would need to see a doctor on Long Island asap. I fly to Hartford tomorrow for the Sunday program in Srorrs. Not to worry; Steve said that I was not risking anything by flying tomorrow while giving the new meds time to work. I am mostly packed and headed to bed in a few.

The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow

The sun will come out tomorrow or the day after or the day after that. Till then it is one breath at a time.

I am a sucker for those huge in the frame suns though I rarely sell any of them. Big and small moons do however sell regularly.

Shopper’s Guide

Below is a list of the gear that I used to create the image above. Thanks a stack to all who have used the Shopper’s Guide links to purchase their gear as a thank you for all the free information that we bring you on the Blog and in the Bulletins. Before you purchase anything be sure to check out the advice in our recently revised Shopper’s Guide.

Canon 800mm f/5.L IS lens. Right now this is my all time favorite super-telephoto lens.
2X III teleconverter. This new TC is noticeably sharper than the 2X II TC.
Canon EOS-1D Mark IV professional digital camera body. My workhorse professional digital camera body. i own two.

And from the BAA On-line Store:

Delkin 32gb e-Film Pro Compact Flash Card. These high capacity cards are fast and dependable. Clicking on the link below will bring you to the Delkin web site. There is lots of great stuff there. If you see a product that we do not carry let us know via e-mail; we will be glad to have it drop-shipped to you and save you a few bucks in the process.

I pack my 800 and tons of other gear in my ThinkTank Airport SecurityTM V2.0 rolling bag for all of my air travel and recommend the slightly smaller Airport InternationalTM V2.0 for most folks. These high capacity bags are well constructed and protect my gear when I have to gate check it on short-hops and puddle jumpers. Each will protect your gear just as well. By clicking on either link or the logo below, you will receive a free gear bag with each order over $50.

14 comments to The Sun’ll Come Out Tomorrow

  • Patricia

    …hoping for good news…keeping positive flows headed to surround you…

  • cheapo

    I wish you would rest Arty! :¬(
    We heal best when we rest! I realize that you have commitments, and are not the sort of person to renege on arrangements made. But if this thing doesn’t settle very quickly, you may be forced into inactivity, whether you like it or not.
    Still, let’s all hope for the best. Here’s to your swift recovery. (raises tea mug, curses, it’s empty again! )


  • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

    General note to all of the wonderful concerned folks. I have no intention of becoming Mr. Famous one-armed photographer. Only the guy who did the surgery thinks that it is minor that I have increasing pain 2 weeks and 4 days after the surgery…. I am done with him. The swelling is relatively minor and I have no redness other than the first joint of the middle finger and no red streaks. It does however continue to hurt like hell. I will either see a good surgeon on LI on Monday or go directly to a quality ER. Unless it improves dramatically I will need to be in the hospital to have it drained and irrigated on Monday. thanks for caring and for your kind words.

    Nelson, The fluid was sent to the lab on SUN 8 May. Amazingly no results yet.

    Robert, See the story in previous posts beginning with “Weekend Surprise.”

    Thanks Ann, Harvey, and Liz.

  • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

    Lee, i have not forgotten :). I need to get my hand better first.

  • Elizabeth Lodwick

    Please take the advise from these posts and SEE a specialist. Sounds like a very resistant bug. Good luck


  • nelson pont

    artie you need a culture of the drainage to see which antibotic will work the one you are o is not covering the infection NO MORE jumping around may need iv meds

    let me know what you are taking if you would like i deal this type of problem all

    time it will get better nelson

  • harvey tabin

    Get to a Doctor affiliated with the Hospital of special surgery. If this was my hand I would only let one of this guy touch me. Several years ago I walked into my Internist’s office and he had his calf and foot casted. I said to him, who at North Shore, ( the Hospital that he was affiliated with) did the work. He laughed and said the only place that I would have orthopedic work done is Special surgery. Since your going to be close – get the best.

    Feel better

  • Excellent hand surgeon on Long Island Dr Steven P Sampson He did surgery on my finger last year, and I was impressed. He is also very kind.

  • Robert Burton

    Was away for awhile and didn’t know about your hand. What happened??

  • Hi Art: Been away working on a program, take care of your hand and fingers, work within the paramaters of the doctor and look after yourself, that’s most important. Talk to you later,

  • Ivan

    Sounds like you have a persistent focus of infection in one of the palmer spaces. You should be seen Monday if not significally improved. Antibiotics won’t work until an abscess has been completely drained. Your pain should have been resolved by now.

  • Artie,
    I love the blog. I was wondering what gear you put into your Think Tank Roller Bag. I also have the Airport Security 2.0 Bag. I usually send my heavier equipment to my destinations and try to minimize the weight in the bag. However, I’m curious what and how you pack your bag.
    Les Greenberg
    You asked me to reconnect if not answered.
    Thanks and good luck with the hand.

  • Yikes…thought things were improving…sorry to hear it’s not going the way we all hoped it would. Have a good trip, and take care of yourself!