Season’s Greetings « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Season's Greetings


Jim, Jennifer, Peter Kes, and I would like to send each and every one of you best wishes for a joyous holiday season and a wonderful, productive, rewarding, and healthy 2012 filled with great photographic opportunities and wonderful travels. Jennifer will not be back to work until 2012! Jim will be here Monday through Thursday this week (DEC 26-29). He will, however, be out of the office on Wednesday, DEC 28 from 1-4pm and all day on Friday; please leave a phone message and we will get back to you on January 2, 2012.

Please note that as I will be on a Falklands, South Georgia, Antarctica cruise from DEC 28, 2011 through JAN 26, 2012 without internet access except possibly for a day or two at the beginning and/or the end of the trip. Then I am home for a bit spending a week on the road for the sold-out SW FLA IPT. The I disappear again for a month-long (17 FEB to 13 MAR) trip to Japan. (There is lots of room there if you would like to join us.) Jim will be here to help you with your mail order and other needs and Jennifer as always will be handling the IPT registrations; do note that the Morro Bay IPT is now half full.

I simply will be unable to respond to questions in my usual timely fashion until at least mid-March so please hold off with your photography questions till then. You can learn the answers to practically of your questions in ABP, ABPII, and Digital Basics. In addition, there is a killer-good search feature on the blog, the little white box in the upper right of the blog pages. It will lead you to information both on the blog and in the Bulletins. At all times we ask that you try to find the answers to your questions either in the books or on-line before e-mailing. That said I look forward to receiving your fresh, new questions via e-mail this spring.

Despite my absence on the Southern Oceans trip blog folks will scarcely notice my absence as Peter Kes will be posting lots of great stuff for me about every other day. (I have been working hard preparing posts in advance.) I will not, of course, be able to respond to your comments until I get back. One final note, it is getting closer to the time for everyone to enter the BRIDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition; the deadline is March 31, 2012. Right now, many of the $20,000+ worth of prizes are pretty much unclaimed and there are many empty categories…. The entry fee is only $25 for ten images or see more immediately below.

Earn Free Contest Entries and Support both the Bulletins and the Blog by making all your B & H purchases here.

More and more folks are earning multiple contest entries with their B & H purchases. See here for details on that. Eleven great categories, 34 winning and honored images, and prize pools valued in excess of $20,000. Click here to visit the competition home page.

Shopper’s Guide

Thanks a stack to all who have used the Shopper’s Guide links to purchase their gear as a thank you for all the free information that we bring you on the Blog and in the Bulletins. Before you purchase anything be sure to check out the advice in our Shopper’s Guide.

15 comments to Season’s Greetings

  • cheapo

    A belated best wishes Artie. :¬) My mum has no internet connection. Hey, hug a penguin for me! They are my favourite family of birds.


  • Jim Kranick

    I expected we would see some new images from Point Lookout and the Hamptons while you were up on LI. Hope you had a good holiday visit.

    Enjoy the trip.

    Thanks. With my shoulders hurting me I rested except for two trips to Barnegat. artie

  • Happy Holidays to you too Arthur. Have a great trip!

    Thanks Andrew. FYI, BAA just released Andrew’s great e-book, A Photographer’s Guide to the Ontario Landscape. Learn more here. artie

  • Same to you and your loved ones and friends Artie!! Good picture taking in Antartica…and especially, have fun!

    Thanks Dan. Hope that you have not forgotten about the 7D article! artie

  • Gordon Lindsay

    The best of the seasons greetings to you and the team, looking forward to 2012.

    Tanks a stack Gordon! artie

  • Fain Zimmerman

    Hope you had a wonderful Christmas! I was so thrilled that I received your book as a Christmas gift – “The Art of Bird Photography”! I’ve had it on my want list a long time. Will enjoy every page of advice and photos!

    You are a lucky lady. Now you have to add ABP II and Digital Basics! artie

  • Ted Willcox

    All the best to you and yours Artie!!

    Merci beaucoup. artie

  • Nancy and I will be in Florida this April. Perhaps we’ll run into each other then.

    Come by for dinner, a swim, and some baby cranes! artie

  • John Storjohann

    Art, Happy Holidays to you and your family…I hope this note finds you well, surrounded by family and friends, and with a full heart. I haven’t been on BPN much recently…school just hasn’t allowed time for shooting…but hope to become active there again soon. It’s a great site and I’ve learned a lot from the people there.

    Thanks John. Hope to see you back posting again. artie

  • Best to you, the family and crew in the new year. Enjoy the travels!

    Many thanks. artie

  • Happy Holidays to you Jennifer, Jim and Peter.

    Thanks Lady D and the same to you and Roxy and the rest of the family. a

  • Charlie Young

    Season’s Greetings and safe travels. Best to you and yours for 2012.

    Thanks and ditto! artie

  • Have a great trip to Antarctica, Artie. South Georgia is amazing! Nancy and I were to be on this trip but she somewhat unexpectedly had to have bilateral knee replacements a few weeks ago. Happy Holidays!

    Thanks and ditto and hope that Nancy gets well soon. artie

  • Seasons greetings and A Happy and Healthy New year to you Art. Thank you for all your efforts to bring the beauty of nature to all of us!

    Thanks and ditto and you are most welcome. artie

  • Have a great time and create many a great image. Happy holidays from me and Nancy.

    Thanks and ditto and see you at Bosque if not before then! artie