You Be the Judge: Captive « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

You Be the Judge: Captive

You Be the Judge: Captive

The judging for the BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition is complete. All of the judges including me were stunned by the quality of the images. We will be posting all of the images that were sent to the judges. Each of you will have a chance to judge the images. Please read the directions below carefully. Your votes will not determine the winning images but it will be fun to see how everyone’s votes compare to the votes of the judges.

Below are the ten images in the Captive category that were sent to the five judges: Darrell Gulin, Chris Van Rooyen, Julie Zickefoose, Tim Laman (who filled in for a honey-mooning Andy Rouse), and yours truly. Here is a big time thank you to Darrell, Chris, Julie, and Tim. And a big time thanks also to Peter Kes and Denise Ippolito for helping me choose the images that were sent to the judges. We worked very hard for nearly three full days to get from more than 5500 images down to the final 163.

The Captive category is for photographs of captive, zoo, pet, or rehab birds. Before you vote, please click on each image to view it at full size. Then pick your five favorites and vote them 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 with 5 being your very favorite. Like this:

Bald Eagle calling: 5
Flamingo head and neck: 4
Philippine Eagle: 3
Toucan: 2
Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

The “Sample Vote” values above are for illustrative purposes only. Please put each of your five favorites on its own line by hitting “enter” after each one. You can make your life easier by cut and pasting the name of each image that you wish to vote for. No ties; please assign a single digit, 5, 4, 3, 2 or 1 to each of your five favorites.

If you wish to comment on any or all of the images that you voted for, please do so below your five voting lines; this will make tallying the votes easier. Votes cast by those who fail to follow the formatting directions will be relegated to the Trash Bin.

A tally of the public vote along with the actual winning images for each category will be announced approximately 48 hours after each posting.

Sleeping waterfowl

Great Horned Owl on curved branch

Bald Eagle calling

Flamingo head and neck,Flamingo Gardens, Davie FL. Image copyright 2012: Patty Corapi. Canon 7D and the 100-400mm at 285mm. Settings were ISO 400, 1/1250 at f/5.6 with some fill flash. Thanks for the wonderful honor. And Artie – I thank you for all you have taught me over the years. Congrats to the other winners as well. Everyone did a wonderful job.

Philippine Eagle


Flamingo legs with shadow

Great Horned Owl vertical

Red-tailed Hawk

Barred Owl sleeping

161 comments to You Be the Judge: Captive

  • Mark Hendricks

    Toucan: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch:4
    Flamnigo head and neck:3
    Philippine Eagle:2
    Flamingo legs with shadow:1

    Ouch! They are all wonderful. Choosing is rough sometimes.

  • Connie Stanley

    Red-Tailed Hawk: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Great Horned Owl on branch: 2
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 1

  • Ben Denner

    Great horned owl on curved branch: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Red tailed hawk: 3
    Great horned owl vertical: 2
    Bald eagle calling: 1


    Great Horned Owl vertical: 5
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 4
    Philippine Eagle :3
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

    Outstanding! Well done judges and entrants

  • Stu Alderdyce

    Phillipine Eagle:5
    Red Tailed Hawk:4
    Bald Eagle Calling:2
    Great Horned Owl Vertical:1

  • Pablo Fernicola

    Red-tailed Hawk: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Toucan: 3
    Sleeping waterfowl: 2
    Flamingo head and neck: 1

  • Heather Mack

    Flamingo legs with shadow: 5
    Bald Eagle calling: 4
    Barred Owl sleeping: 3
    Flamingo head and neck: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Toucan: 1
    Flamingo Head and Neck: 2
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 3
    Red Tailed Hawk: 4
    Phillipine Eagle: 5

  • Jeff

    Flamingo Legs: 5
    Red-tailed Hawk: 4
    Flamingo head and neck: 3
    Toucan: 2
    Philippine Eagle: 1

    The sleeping waterfowl has a nice range of colors and the composition causes you to stop and look deeper into the photo to see what is going on. Owl on the curved branch is nicely lit in a difficult situation. The screaming eagle nicely uses the rule of thirds. The flamingo head and neck composition is exquisite and uses a beautiful contrast of light and dark. The Philippine eagle nicely matches the background colors with the bird’s eye color and the bokah circles with the circle of head feathers. The beautiful Toucan is framed very well to create eye movement throughout the frame. The Flamingo legs appears simple, but is the most artistic
    shot of the group. Can I get flamingo lawn shadows painted on my lawn? The Great Horned Owl vertical shows a respect for its subject by a good photographer. It is difficult to get a flying hawk at eye level with proper placement in the frame. The sleeping Barred Owl’s eyes lead me to believe I am looking into twilight darkness where he can see better than me. Nice job everyone, sorry I couldn’t give you all fives.

  • Sleeping Waterfowl 5
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow 4
    Philippine Eagle 3
    Great Horned Owl Vertical 2
    Red Tailed Hawk 1

  • Orlando Valdez

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Flamingo head and neck: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Red-tailed Hawk: 4
    Phillipine Eagle: 3
    Great-horned Owl on curved branch: 2
    Bald Eagle calling: 1

  • Linda Brown

    Sleeping Waterfowl 5
    Philippine Eagle 4
    Flamingo 3
    Barred owl 2
    Red-Tailed Hawk 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 3
    Red Tailed Hawk: 2
    Bald Eagle calling: 1

  • Gary Felker

    Toucan 5
    Flamingo 4
    Red-tailed Hawk 3
    GH Owl Vertical 2
    Sleeping Waterfowl 1

  • Gaurav Mittal

    Flamingo Legs with Shadow 5
    Philippine Eagle 4
    Toucan 3
    Sleeping Waterfowl 2
    Flamingo Head And Neck 1

    I love all the 5 images that I have picked, the Flamingo legs with shadow is my pick because this image has a big element of creativity. The photographer has showcased the legs while the remaining flamingo is visible through it’s shadow. A unique feel to this image.

  • Don Railton

    Toucan 5
    Philippine Eagle 4
    Red Tailed Hawk 3
    Barred Owl sleeping 2
    Great Horned Owl vertical 1

  • Carol Duncan

    Red-tailed Hawk:5
    Bald Eagle calling:3
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow:2
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 1

    It was tough to place the pictures from first to last.

  • Toucan 5
    Bald Eagle Calling 4
    Sleeping Waterfowl 3
    Red-tailed Hawk 2
    Great Horned Owl vertical 1

  • Ron Jones

    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Sleeping waterfowl: 2
    Bald Eagle calling: 1

  • Nancy Bell

    Toucan 5
    Philippine Eagle 4
    Barred Owl sleeping 3
    Great Horned Owl vertical 2
    Bald Eagle calling 1

  • David Policansky

    This one of the more fascinating things you’ve done for us, Artie. So far I count 26 first-place votes for the toucan, 15 for the Philippine eagle, and 10 for the red-tail hawk. None of the others has more than 3 first-place votes and the sleeping barred owl has zero.

    For what it’s worth, the sleeping waterfowl is my first choice because of its composition, interest, color, mood, and for being unusual. So far only 2 others agree with me! This is a humbling business!


    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks David. Judging sure is challenging. It will be super-interesting to compare the public judging with the official judging results. And there will be ten more categories, some with as many as twenty images. More great fun and learning coming!

  • Toucan:5
    Philippine Eagle:4
    Flamingo Head and Neck:3
    Bald Eagle Calling:2
    Red-tailed Hawk:1

    The Toucan is by far the standout image for me by a long long way.

  • Mette

    Tucan 5
    Flamingo 4
    Can’t mark the other photos because they are not up to my standards.
    I would love to the the photos that didn’t make it,if these did.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Mette, Please see this blog post:

    • Mette, If these photos are not up to your standards, I would love to see your work. Really, though, it seems to me that the contest did not have minimum standards requirements. Those of us who entered (I did not enter anything in this category, by the way), entered what we thought were our best images in each category. The judges chose from those images the ones they thought were best. I’m confident that each of the judges has superb photographs in their own collections that might well be considered better than the photos they were judging, but that does not keep them from choosing from among those that are presented to evaluate.

  • gail bisson

    Philippine eagle:4
    Red tail Hawk:3
    Bald eagle:1

  • Red-tailed hawk: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 4
    Philippine eagle: 3
    Great-Horned Owl vertical: 2
    Flamingo head and neck: 1

  • Alan Lillich

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Sleeping waterfowl: 3
    Flamingo head and neck: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Steve M

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Flamingo Legs: 3
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 2
    GHO on Curved Branch: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Bald Eagle calling: 1

  • Grady Weed

    Flamingo Head & Neck: 5
    Baild Eagle: 4
    Great Horned Owl Vertical: 3
    Phillipine Eagle: 2
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow: 1

    I chose them based on a real life look, the owl on the branch looked fake with that sky background. The eagle with the mouth open, screaming just grabs me. Its clear eye and mouth details with the well defined feathers was just spectacular. The Flamingo head and neck was extra artsy, love the curves and a soft touch, pleasing. The Horned Owl has sharp claws, huge eyes, clear too, open beak, great perch and love the large feet. The Phillipine Eagle was a nice different image, a refreshing change, well captured. And lastly, the Flamingo legs was out of the box imagery. Loved them all.

  • Darryl Klein

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Flamingo head and neck: 3
    Bald Eagle calling: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Jack Williamson

    Toucan: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Phillipine Eagle: 2
    Red Tailed Hawk: 1

  • Ted Willcox

    Flamingo head and neck:4
    Sleeping water fowl:3
    Philippine Eagle:2
    Red-tailed Hawk:1

  • Doug Schurman

    Philippine Eagle: 5
    Toucan: 4
    Sleeping waterfowl: 3
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Bald Eagle calling: 1

  • Tom Lamb

    Sleeping Waterfowl: 5
    Bald Eagle Calling: 4
    Toucan: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Great Horned Owl Vertical: 1

  • Phil Ertel

    Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Red-Tailed Hawk: 3
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 2
    Bald Eagle Calling: 1

  • Chris Brennan

    5 Philippine Eagle
    2 Toucan
    3 Great Horned Owl Vertical
    2 Barred Owl
    1 Bald Eagle Calling

  • Pat Fishburne

    5 TOUCAN

  • Kathy Graff

    Toucan: 5
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 4
    Philippine eagle: 3
    Sleeping waterfowl: 2
    Barred owl sleeping: 1

  • Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 5
    Barred Owl sleeping: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Sleeping waterfowl 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Phillipine eagle: 4
    Bald eagle calling: 3
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 2
    Great horned owl vertical: 1

  • Philippine Eagle: 5
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 4
    Bald Eagle calling: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Barred Horned Owl: 1

    Very difficult. I could change the order every day, but not the 5 out of 10 I selected. I love portraits, and action shots….they say so much about the bird for me.

    I loved doing this. Fantastic idea.

  • Toucan: 5
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 4
    Philippine Owl: 3
    Sleeping Waterfowl: 2
    Great Horned Owl Sleeping: 1

  • Geoff

    Toucan: 5
    Red Tailed Hawk: 4
    Great Horned Owl Vertical: 3
    Philippine Eagle: 2
    Flamingo legs with shadow: 1

  • ThereseS

    Toucan: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Jay

    I’m glad you’re not asking us to explain our votes. Reviewing this must have been a tough job:

    Sleeping Waterfowl: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Toucan: 3
    Barred Owl: 2
    Great Horned Owl: 1

  • Toucan: 5
    Philippine Eagle: 4
    Barred Owl Sleeping: 3
    Flamingo Legs with Shadow: 2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1

  • Philippine Eagle: 5
    Bald Eagle calling: 4
    Great Horned Owl vertical: 3
    Red-tailed Hawk: 2
    Sleeping waterfowl: 1

  • Lisa

    Great Horned Owl vertical: 5
    Great Horned Owl on curved branch: 4
    Philippine Eagle: 3
    Flamingo head and neck:2
    Red-tailed Hawk: 1