A Wondrous Day… « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

A Wondrous Day...



B&H was the primary exhibition sponsor. Thank them (and me, for the work I do on the blog) by clicking on the logo link above to shop.


artie’s NATtalk. Photo courtesy of and copyright 2016: Bob Allen


Exhibit Intro Panel: design by Mary Lou Morreal (SDNHM)


The Ordover Gallery at The NAT. Image copyright 2016: Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

With the EOS-5DS and the Canon EF 11-24mm f/4L USM zoom lens.

What’s Up?

After arriving early to get the projector set up and do a sound check, I went up to the exhibition space with a few friends. As I had not seen the prints I was a tiny bit nervous. Everyone–including and especially me–was blown away by the quality and color fidelity of the images. Mark Lukes and his staff at Fine Print Imaging in Fort Collins, CO simply knocked it out of the park. Many folks asked where the prints were made.

The experience of walking through the images in such a spectacular setting was a surreal one. To see the work of 32 years laid bare on the walls for all to see was a daunting one. I could not have felt more proud.

Locals who missed the opening and those who will be visiting San Diego in the next few months can learn more about the SDNHM gallery exhibition here.


iPhone pano of artie and framed images. Courtesy and copyright 2016: Cliff Oliver.


CD Sales at the opening were brisk. Photo courtesy of and copyright 2016: Bob Allen


SDNHM Exhibit Sponsors


My Canon Gear Summary Panel

68 comments to A Wondrous Day…

  • Congratulations on this wonderful exhibition. I have been a follower of your images for a long time. I wish I was somewhere closer to visit the exhibition.

    Best Wishes

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Many thanks. You can always “visit” today by purchasing the exhibit companion e-book 🙂 To do so click here.

      best, artie

  • Tony Botelho

    Congratulations on the exhibit, I’m happy that it all came together, and I bet you are also! I agree that Fine Print Imaging is the place to go when you want the best in print imaging. I have used them for over 15 years and don’t have one complaint with them what so ever.

  • Muriel McClellan

    I am so glad I had the chance to attend your terrific presentation. The gallery exhibit was remarkable. Agree with others that the iPhone photo captured a beautiful moment in your life. Thanks to Dr. Oliver.