Confusion… « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART


This juvenile Bald Eagle flash blur was created with the Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II lens, the 1.4X III TC (handheld at 230mm) with the Canon EOS-1D Mark IV. ISO 200. Evaluative metering +3 2/3 stops off the dreary, dreary white sky: 1/30 sec. at f/5 set manually. Fill flash at -1 stop with the Canon 580Ex II Flash mounted on the camera. Rear Curtain Synch was set on the flash to put the blur behind the bird. I use the Canon CP-E4 Compact Battery Pack to power the flash and reduce recycling times. Note that you still need batteries in the flash head to power the LCD.

Lens/TC/camera body Micro-adjustment: -8.

Central Sensor/Rear Focus/AI Servo AF active at the moment of exposure. To enjoy viewing a larger sized image, click on the photo. Then click on the enlarged version to close it.

Purple flash pupil caused by the flash was eliminated by creating a Quick Mask of the pupil, placing it on its own layer, and desaturating and darkening the pupil using the Digital Eye Doctor techniques described in detail in Digital Basics (along with my complete Digital Workflow and dozens of other great Photoshop tips). DB is an easy to read, easy to follow PDF sent via e-mail.

Learn to use flash as fill and flash as main light in the Flash Simplified section of ABP II (916 pages on CD only). Learn to create flash blurs on page 80 of “A Guide to Pleasing Blurs” by Denise Ippolito and your truly (or by studying the information in the caption above). I would have needed to go to ISO 1600 at least in order to create a sharp image; in my judgement, trying to create pleasing blurs was the best option for those conditions. Adding some flash brought the image to life.


During the past few days Jim received e-mails from two folks who made B&H purchases in excess of $5,000. Each was requesting their three free contest entries. One (see the e-mail below) started his search with the BAA main B&H link and then placed his order by phone. The other sent a scan of his receipt for purchases made in the B&H super-store in Manhattan. Unfortunately neither qualified for the three free contest entries….

Here is the relevant information from the Payment Options page:

Optionally, if you make a B&H PHOTO VIDEO purchase of $1000.00 or more using this link only you can e-mail your B&H receipt to us at Please remember, you must use this link for your B&H purchases to qualify for a free competition entry. And you must order online. Phone orders and purchases made in the store do not qualify. Purchases of $3,000 or more will be good for two contest entries, of $5,000 or more for three entries, and of $10,000 or more for five competition entries.

Once we have received your payment or your B&H receipt you will receive instructions for uploading your images from us via e-mail.

Below, FYI, is the e-mail conversation referred to above:

AM: Howdy, Thanks for your interest in earning free entries into the BAA 1st International Bird Photography Competition. re:

VD: For the life of me, I don’t quite understand how clicking on the “link” gets you into the deal to qualify for additional entries.

AM: It is actually very simple. Once you either begin a search using our BAA link or use one of our product-specific B&H links (like those in Bulletins and blog posts for specific cameras and lenses) the B&H on-line system invisibly tracks your purchase to BIRDS AS ART.

VD: No where in the link after you bring it up it says anything about the contest.

AM: If you place your cursor over a B&H link and check the lower corner of your computer screen, you will see that the active link ends in /7226. Once you click on the link your purchases will be credited to BIRDS AS ART. We earn a small commission (as thanks in part for the free information shared in each and every BAA on-line publication). For example, yesterday morning’s seemingly simple and straightforward blog post “So It’s Bald Eagles You Wanted” took me about three hours to prepare; I sat down at my laptop at 3:30 am Alaska time and hit “Publish” just after 6:30am.

VD: So, I brought up the B&H website using your link, found lenses, clicked on Sigma, chose the lens I needed, and ordered by phone. Where did I go wrong?

AM: You went wrong by placing your order by phone. Believe me, I wish that we could get credit for all B&H phone orders placed by BAA folks and for all B&H purchases made in the store by BAA folks. I have discussed that possibility with my B&H affiliate rep and he has assured me that it is not possible to do so.

To sum up: if you start your search with our B&H link (or with one of our product-specific links) your purchase(s) will be credited to BAA. Once you forward us the receipt that you receive from B&H via e-mail you will receive your free contest entries (via e-mail from Folks planning on ordering more than one item must start their search using our main B&H link. As it says on the web site and the blog, “Earn Free Contest Entries and Support both the Bulletins and the Blog by making all your B & H purchases “here.” It is this hidden link: that is tracked invisibly to ensure that BAA is credited. Best and later and love, artie

The BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition

New folks can learn about the BIRDS AS ART 1st International Bird Photography Competition here or visit the contest home page here.

Earn Free Contest Entries and Support both the Bulletins and the Blog by making all your B & H purchases here.

More and more folks are earning multiple contest entries with their B & H purchases. See here for details on that. Eleven great categories, 34 winning and honored images, and prize pools valued in excess of $20,000. Click here to visit the competition home page.

Shopper’s Guide

Below is a list of the gear used to create the images in today’s blog post. Thanks a stack to all who have used the Shopper’s Guide links to purchase their gear as a thank you for all the free information that we bring you on the Blog and in the Bulletins. Before you purchase anything be sure to check out the advice in our Shopper’s Guide.

Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II lens. Man, I am loving this lens on my shoulder with the 2X III teleconverter. I also use it a lot with the 1.4X III TC.
Canon 1.4X III Teleconverter. Designed to work best with the new Series II super-telephoto lenses.
Canon EOS-1D Mark IV professional digital camera body. My two Mark IVs are my workhorse digital camera bodies.
Canon 580Ex II Flash. This is Canon’s most powerful feature-packed professional flash.
Canon CP-E4 Compact Battery Pack This lightweight accessory powers your flash and reduces recycling times; I never use my flash without having the CP-E4 attached. Note that you still need batteries in the flash head to power the LCD.

And from the BAA On-line Store:

Be sure to check out our camera body User’s Guides here.
The Lens Align Mark II. I use the Lens Align Mark II pretty much religiously to micro-adjust all of my gear an average of once a month and always before a major trip. Enjoy our free comprehensive tutorial here.
Canon EOS-1D Mark IV User’s Guide. Learn to use your Mark IV the way that I use mine. Also available for the 7D and the Mark III here.

1 comment to Confusion…

  • Dane Johnson

    Hi Artie,

    I have a question regarding the competition entries and B&H purchases. Are the competition entries based on single purchases at the time of submittal to BAA, or can the entries be calculated from the receipts of multiple purchases submitted at the same time? For example, if someone made 4 or 5 purchases that totaled $5,200 (say 1 purchase at $2,700 and the other 4 purchases under $1,000 each), would this person receive 3 entries, or would he/she receive 1 entry based on the single $2,700 purchase?

    Hi Dane, If you send us multiple receipts totaling $5000+ you would receive 3 free contest entries. artie