Thanks Artie! « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Thanks Artie!

This very nice image of a bathing Royal Tern was created by David Pugsley with the (discontinued) Canon 500mm f/4L EF IS lens, the Canon 1.4x EF tele-extender II, and the (discontinued) EOS-1D Mark III. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +2/3 stop: 1/1000 sec. at f/10. Image courtesy of and copyright 2012: David Pugsley. This was the best of a 9-frame sequence.

Thanks Artie!

I received the e-mail below from David Pugsley with the image above attached. I had had the pleasure of meeting David at the Orange Audubon presentation back in September. I had recognized his name from the blog. He struck me as very fine young man (in part because helped us carry in some boxes and stayed late to help us pack up despite the fact that he had a pretty long drive to get back some. As I said, a nice young man.

Hi Artie,

Not only is the blog the bomb, it’s also very timely. The day after your Bathing Bird Strategies post I went out and made this image of a down-the-barrel Royal Tern. While I was, unfortunately, off sun angle a bit, I’m pretty pleased. And, as you suggested, bottom center sensor with AI Servo active at time of exposure. 🙂 Thanks for all you do to help us out.

David Pugsley

David is a very fine photographer. He has learned a ton both from the blog and from ABP II. You can see lots of his stunning images on his website both in the home page slide show and in the galleries.

Here is David at work on the morning that he made the image above. The photo is courtesy of and copyright 2012: Stephanie Abeles.

Lots of Lessons

First off, it is always gratifying to learn that somebody out there is not only reading the blog but grasping the materials covered, applying them in the field, and making some great images.

Picking a lower sensor for bathing birds is of great importance as it generally prevents clipping the wings. David’s choice here was to stay close with the TC mounted and go for the in-your-face splashing shot presented above. I am 99% sure that when the bird finished the bath and jumped up and flapped that David was too tight to get the whole bird in. Here is another lesson: with digital, it pays to try to keep the bird in the frame with the sensor on the bird and make some really tight images of the bird in the air. If you have a moment’s notice as to when the bird will jump, it is best to go to the central sensor. Another fine point that is covered in both the EOS-1D Mark III User’s Guide and the EOS-1D Mark IV User’s Guide is that it it possible to select two side-by-side sensors below the central sensor or two side-by-side sensors from the bottom row. I love the former for most bathing birds situations.

The second main point here is one that we have been stressing on recent IPTs: when everything looks good blast away!

That’s David in the front row in the cap at the Orange Audubon/Canon Explorers of Light-sponsored event. My granddaughter, Maya, is to his left. That’s me standing with the white shirt and a lapel mike. Photo copyright and courtesy of Milton Heiberg.

EoL-Sponsored Programs

If you are a member of a photography club (or know of a group of clubs) that can put 100+ folks in seats and can provide a venue, I would love to do a program for your group. Please e-mail if you would like to discuss the possibility of arranging a visit that would be sponsored by the wonderful Canon Explorers of Light Program. I was one of the original 55 Explorers and continue in that role today.

NYC Weekend Nature Photography Seminar

Presented by Denise Ippolito/A Creative Adventure and Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Hilton Garden Inn, Staten Island, New York. December 8-9, 2012 from 9am-4:30pm.
Weekend: $169. SAT or SUN: $99. Lodging available for out of town guests.
Saturday: Image Capture Sunday: Image Evaluation and Processing

Click here for complete details including the Saturday and Sunday schedules, club and group discount info, and registration incentives and for more info on the In-the-Field Seminar Follow-up Workshop.

Artie, the grizzled veteran, is widely noted as one of the premier bird photographers, tour leaders, and educators on the planet. Denise, who specializes in flowers, is the mega-creative up-and-comer, a popular lecturer, a skilled field instructor, and an amazing Photoshop wizard who will share her tips and tricks with you. Both artie and denise are full time professional nature photographers.

BIRDS AS ART Instructional Photo-Tours

Click here for complete IPT information including the current schedule and links to general IPT info, deposit and cancellation policies. and the required registration and release forms.

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3 comments to Thanks Artie!

  • Bill Richardson

    Not on subject but I just heard Canon is updating 5D3 to AF at f8. Update won’t be available until April though.

  • Chris Cooke

    I would just like to second David’s comments, they are a very accurate description as to how many of us feel.

    Enjoy South Georgia.


  • David Policansky

    Hi, Artie, and thanks for this and for all you do. I often look at my images and thank you mentally. Even if there was no specific advice that led me to improve any particular image, the cumulative effect of all your advice, blogs, bulletins, and examples has made me a better photographer. I’ve even learned some about interacting with others.

    So thank you, thank you.
