Protect Your Images! Last Minute Reminder « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

Protect Your Images! Last Minute Reminder

What’s Up?

I will be taking the Auto Train late this Sunday afternoon to Lorton, VA, arriving on the morning of Monday 22 May and then driving north.

Today is Tuesday 16 May 2023. I will begin packing for my trip. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing, I hope that you too have a great day.

Don’t Learn the Hard Way As I Did!

Regular readers may recall that it cost me $4490.00 to recover several year’s worth of images that were “lost” because of my failure to properly back them up. You can read the Whole Gory Story With a _ _ _ _ _ Ending blog post here. If you are not triple backing up on a routine basis, it is simply a matter of time until you too suffer a major data loss. Keep reading to learn about joining friend Tim Grey online tomorrow and saving your own butt (along with all of your images). As the image collection in the office is not safely protected, I will be there for sure. Tim has been the Photoshop guru for nature and travel photographers for many decades.

Backing Up Your Photos

Last Minute Reminder

Live Online Event: Wednesday, May 17, 2023,1pm to 5pm Eastern Time

Join Tim Grey for a half day of live online presentations during a GreyLearning Ultimate Event focused on “Backing Up Your Photos.”

The live online event will be presented on Wednesday, May 17th, from 1pm to 5pm Eastern Time.

Photographer and author Tim Grey is a respected educator sought out by photographers for his expertise on workflow and photography. He will be presenting a half-day live online event focused on “Backing Up Your Photos” on Wednesday, May 17th, from 1pm to 5pm Eastern Time, and tickets for the event are on sale now. Click here to learn more and/or to purchase your ticket to salvation.

Far too many photographers have an inadequate (or nonexistent) backup workflow. Tim’s presentations will help you create a backup workflow that will give you the confidence that a hard drive failure can be just a minor inconvenience, not a major disaster.

Topics presented during the event will include:

– Backup Best Practices
– Synchronized Photo Backup
– Online and Offsite Backup
– Lightroom Classic Catalog Backup
– Backing Up Smartphone Photos
– Recovering from Failure

The full event will be recorded; if you purchase a ticket, you’ll be able to join live or watch the recordings later at your convenience.

You can get all the details about this great event here.

I will see you there! Don’t be shy; if you have a tragic data loss story to share, please let us all know by leaving a comment.


As with all blog posts, feel free to e-mail or to leave a comment regarding any typos or errors.

5 comments to Protect Your Images! Last Minute Reminder

  • David Stemple

    I had a Drobo fail when the hardware inside the unit failed. All the drives were fine but it took a recovery service 3 weeks to rebuild everything because of the software and hardware that Drobo was using in the unit and had to replicate it 100% in order to be able to access my drives. Once they got the drives to show up they had to run recovery software and move all the images to a new unit. Luckily I had everything except the last 3 weeks on CD/DVD/Blu-ray and all my zoo images on another 8TB drive except for the last 3 weeks. It was those last 3 weeks I needed the most at the time as I was working on a zoo project at the time. My old system was to back-up once a project is completed not in the middle. But now I have a spare drive I use to back-up in progress projects and do that each tiome I edit or cull a batch of the project……. I also knew 2 other people within 3 months time of me that also had their drobos fail for the same reasons and found their drives still had the images on them but couldn’t directly read the drives like me.

  • Anthony Ardito

    I feel NVMe M.2 SSD drives are more reliable long term.

    Don’t trust those old multi disk hard drive enclosures in RAID configurations. They will fail over time. Trust me, what a headache.

  • David Policansky

    Wow, Kevin Hice, two 4 TB drives failed within a week. That’s cruel! I always keep my memory cards as the ultimate backup. Recently I was looking for some photos that I took at a wedding more than 10 years ago and I just couldn’t find them, not on my backup disk or even on an old computer I started up. But I then started a search of all my memory cards and found the original memory card with the photos and it was fairly easy to find and edit the ones I wanted. Interestingly, the card said those images had been downloaded, but I for sure couldn’t find them. But I also back stuff up on an external hard drive and some in the cloud. Still no guarantee. Artie: Good luck up north.

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Please purchase all those fiash cards from the BAA Online Store. But not to upgrade to a 30 fps camera!

      with love, a

  • Kevin Hice

    I lost my hard drive a few years back and spent 400.00 to recover. I was fortunate. Then last week I had two hard drives fail one 4 terabyte wd internal and a 4 Tb Lacie external. Coincidence who knows? Stuff happens. I use different manufactures for that purpose, evidently nothing is guaranteed. I will not get huge Tb drives. I figure more safety in smaller drives. People beware it will happen.

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