Howdy! « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART



Well, it’s gonna be a whole new world.  Over time, the hugely successful and popular BIRDS AS ART Bulletins will to some degree, phased out and likely be replaced for the most part, by the BIRDS AS ART Blog.   We will be offering the same great photography and Photoshop tips, the same great images with our legendary educational captions, the same great product information and tutorials, and lots lots more.

I hope that you can visit often.   Be sure to save to your favorites list.

15 comments to Howdy!

  • Barry Southon


    I’m from the UK and visit KS twice a year. I was getting desperate trying to master the Canon 1D3 and Canon 800mm. I was pointed in your direction and it was almost like switching a light on. Great instructions in a readable format.

    Looking to head to Fl any must go locations for avian photography?


    • Hey Barry, Sorry that I (almost) missed this. There are lots of great places in Florida for bird photography. Our SW FLA Site Guide covers a slew of them around Fort Myers. Fort DeSoto near Tampa is great. The Everglades; best to arrange a trip with Alfred and Fabiola Forns. Wakodahatchee and Green Cay in the southeast can be great in winter and spring. Al and Fabs can take you there too. A boat trip with Jim Neiger for Snail Kites, and/or a boat trip with James Shadle for spoonbills and other nesting wading birds would be the highlight of any Florida trip. To learn more about our Site Guides, click here: To learn about the boat trips, do a search in the Bulletin Archives for Neiger or Shadle.

  • Your site displays incorrectly in Firefox, but content excellent! Thank you for your wise words:)

  • Hey Artie,

    Great blog. Look forward to reading it as much as the bulletins. Always something to learn and enjoy. See you in Sydney later this year (hopefully).


    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      Thanks Akos, The Australia trip is a no-go for this year, a victim of the economy. Thanks for all of your help.

  • Brian Wong

    Hi Artie!

    I love your new blog, and I am so impressed at your constant innovation and ability to try out & master new things! (plus teaching them) This RSS feed should be much easier and should better reach all your friends and fans, as to your current projects and thoughts. Sorry I haven’t been around lately, but a big Congratulations and keep it up!

  • Hi Jim and Magnus (and all), Thanks for the kind words.

    Jim: What’s with the OP mention: I did not see it?

    Magnus: I have always felt that knowing how somebody metered and what the compensation was is tremendously important. Seeing something like f/11 at 1/250 sec. at ISO 200 is a complete waste without know how the photographer came up with the EXP.

  • Ed Cordes

    I have been reading and enjoying your email bulletins for a while now. The blog brings a modern feel and more opportunities to expand your communication and share your ideas.

    First issue is very good. Keep it coming.

  • Jim Heupel

    You ARE the Master! The blog is superb and it continues your fine efforts to teach photography which are so prevalent in the Bulletin. The blog will be a fine replacement for the Bulletin–and hopefully a little easier on you at the same time! And, by the way, I love your new Gallery which has now been touted in Outdoor Photography! Congratulations!!

  • Magnus Thornberg

    Nice to see that you take the Bulletin to the next level! I´m gonna check this blog every day from now! I like your images and the specs about the images! Many say the EXIF doesn´t help others to be better! I think it does make me better! Many Swedes hide the EXIF when publish there pictures!


  • Artie:

    The blog is a great idea. I’ve always appreciated the newsletters (and hope I’ve thanked you for them), but a blog is even better. Keep up the great work and thanks for the periodic inspiration.


  • Glad to have you back Artie. I was Jones’n for some bird pics!!!!!

  • Mr. Morris,
    I always look forward to receiving your emails. My students and I thoroughly enjoy all of your photographs! Your recent photo of the lenticular clouds is spectacular!

    I hope you don’t mind if you add your blog url to our blog site. I know it will be a site my students and I visit often.

    Thanks for the inspiration,
    Mary Lenahan
    Fourth Grade Teacher
    Leeds Avenue School
    Pleasantville, New Jersey

    • Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

      No problema Mary, and thanks for your kind words. I taught elementary school for 23 years in NYC before I found my truer calling.

  • Michael Pancier

    Congrats on the Blog Artie. Looking forward to adding it to my daily blog reading.