50D « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

ILE: My Home Turf (and and news of an amazing sighting...)

I wake up at my home-office at Indian Lake Estates (ILE), Florida about half of each year. (Don’t ask me where the estates are….) In any case, ILE consists of 450 modest homes on 4,000 acres surrounded by 17,000 protected acres on the Lake Wales Ridge. My late masseuse, John Lynott, told me that he […]

The Bosque Post-NANPA IPT Report

After I attended the NANPA Summit in Albuquerque, I led a 2 1/2 DAY IPT to one of my soul places, Bosque del Apache NWR in San Antonio, NM. As always, we stayed at the Socorro Super 8 in the north end of town and ate lunch and conducted our classroom sessions at K-Bob’s right […]