DPP Conversions and Tutorials, Recent Bulletins and Notes « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

DPP Conversions and Tutorials, Recent Bulletins and Notes

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Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens with the EOS-1D Mark III. ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/1600 at f/5.6. I had originally set +2/3 stop exposure compensation but after seeing some substantial flashing highlights on the image on the camera's LCD, I backed off to +1/3 stop.

I have been at my Mom’s  in Holbrook, Long Island, NY for almost a week now.  It has been very cold.  I was getting cabin fever so I went to the local golf course to photograph some Canada Geese.  (As always you can click on the image to see a larger, sharper version.)

With the relatively new Canon EOS-7d proving to be a popular camera and the Canon EOS-1D Mark IV about to begin shipping, lots of folks are just plain stuck when it comes to converting the RAW iamges from these two cameras.   It is my understanding that even when the ACR plug-ins for these cameras become available, only folks with CS-4 will be able to use them.  And again, as far as I know, 7D conversions are not yet supported by Breezebrowser.   Mark IV images will not be supported by Breezebrowser for many months. 

That leaves folks using these new cameras with Digital Photo Professional, the software that comes in the box with your new camera.   It had been quite a while since I used DPP for my RAW conversions and when I opened some 7D images in DPP I was pretty much lost <smile>   Jerry Ward., Pro Market Specialist for Canon USA who joined us at the recent Albuquerque program, alerted me to a great DPP tutorial on the Canon Digital Learning web site.  

The tutorials, expertly prepared by Elizabeth Pratt  of Canon’s Professional Products Division, can be found here:  http://www.usa.canon.com/dlc/controller?act=GetArticleAct&articleID=1228&fromTips=1.   They are based on DPP v3.2.   DPP v3.7.1.1 shipped with the 7D. 

These are the individual tutorials:  What is DPP?, Main Window, Preferences (note:  To set your preferences in v3.7.1.1 you will need to click on Tools/Preferences or hit Control K), Organizing Images in the Main Window, Quick Check Tool, Batch Rename Tool, Edit Image Window, Tool Palette: RAW Image Adjustment Tab, Tool Palette: RGB Image Adjustment Tab, Tool Palette NR-Lens Tab, Trimming Tool (for cropping), Stamp Tool (dust delete data or dust spotting),  Comparing Images, Recipes, Batch Processing, File Saving Options, Printing Contact Sheets, Printing Directly from DPP, and Workflow Demonstration. 

If you are new to DPP, it would be wise to listen to all of the tutorials a time or two before beginning.   I found these two tutorials most helpful and continue to review them: RAW Image Adjustment Tab and Tool Palette: RGB Image Adjustment Tab.

The Canada Goose image was processed with DPP and I was extremely pleased with the results.    I will continue to share what I learn about DPP both here and in future BAA Bulletins.

Bulletin #308

BAA Bulletin #308 is available on-line here:  http://www.birdsasart.com/2009/12/07/birds-as-art-bulletin-308

Features include:


The DEC 12, 2009 BAA Notes can be found here: http://www.birdsasart.com/2009/12/08/birds-as-art-notes-december-8th-2009.  Be sure to check out this great feature: FREE ACR CONVERSION TIPS EXCERPT ON BPN THREAD.

Continue to enjoy the holiday season.  I will visit again soon.

22 comments to DPP Conversions and Tutorials, Recent Bulletins and Notes

  • ADC = Adobe DNG Converter

    I agree it’s a pain, and an extra step I don’t want. But for some it might work well.

  • One last point and then I’ll stop beating this dead horse… If you convert the Raw files to DNG, you don’t actually need CS4 or ACR.

    You can use the free Adobe DNG Converter (linked above) to convert your files to DNG, and then import the DNG’s into any program that reads DNG files. This includes BrBr and many older versions of Photoshop.

    Note that although ADC is included with ACR, it is a separate standalone program that can be run outside of ACR or CS4.

    (As an aside, you should consider installing a WordPress plugin to allow your blog readers to subscribe to the comments by email. I use one called (shockingly) “Subscribe to Comments” http://j.mp/7KTNFP)

    • Thanks again Shawn. I do understand that I can convert RAWs to DNG and then use CS-3 for optimization. For me, it is an added pain in the workflow and I am loving my DPP conversions now that I better understand the conversion process.

      What is ADC?

      I will have Jen look into the Subscribe to Comments plug-in; thanks for sharing that.

  • Let’s make it even easier… As of today, the official final releases of Lightroom 2.6 and Camera Raw 5.6 are available from Adobe.com. They have full support for lots of new cameras, including the 7D and the 1D Mark IV.

    Breezebrowser is way behind in support for new cameras, and it definitely does not support the latest Canon models.

    If you want to use BrBr with these new cameras then you can use the latest version of the Adobe DNG Converter (v5.6) to convert your Raw files to DNG, which BrBr can open.

    Here are the download links:

    Lightroom 2.6
    Windows: http://j.mp/Lightroom26Win
    Mac: http://j.mp/Lightroom26Mac

    Adobe Camera Raw AND DNG Converter 5.6
    Windows: http://j.mp/CameraRaw56Win
    Mac: http://j.mp/CameraRaw56Mac

    • Thanks for the info Sean, but my original point was that the ACR downloads for all new cameras will not work with CS-# thus forcing folks to upgrade or purchase CS-A4. This is the first time that Adobe has pulled that stunt.

  • GH

    Hey Arthur 🙂 Beautiful goose (I love those birds), and it’s nice to see your work again! I read what you are using for gear these days, and see you are using the massive ID Mark III. That sucker is almost as big as my 4×5 field camera. Don’t know how you guys do it ….

    Nice blog, too!

  • Susan Liddle

    I’m a regular on the jetty in winter. The first bit, by the lighthouse, is a cement walkway, with railings, which you need to crawl under or over to get onto the rocks. The first half of the jetty is relatively safe, with large reasonably flat boulders closely spaced. After approx. the half-way mark, the boulders are further apart. At the very end, they are extremely slippery from spray and bird droppings. I have never negotiated the very end of the jetty, and don’t expect to. It is possible to walk part way, or all the way out on the sand next to the jetty (better at low tide, on firm sand) and make occasional forays onto the rocks to check out the bird activity in the channel. That is my usual MO.

  • Susan Liddle

    Sounds good, thanks! What time?

    • Some time around 7am…. The balmy weather is supposed to leave and be replaced by bitter cold and windy again… Have you been out on the jetty before? I have not. I am scared! Like most folks, I cannot afford to fall.

  • It turns out I was somewhat mistaken. I was under the impression that you could convert any Raw file to DNG, but Adobe actually has to update the DNG converter software for new cameras before that works, and they generally do that at the same time as they update Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw. So this trick only works if Adobe updates their converter before Chris Breeze updates his stuff (which they have in this case).

    Conversion to DNG for the 7D is already supported in Release Candidate versions of Adobe Camera Raw 5.6, Adobe DNG Converter 5.6, and Lightroom 2.6.

    (this link has both ACR and ADC)

    If you really want to use Breezebrowser rather than ACR 5.6 or LR 2.6 you could convert the raw files to DNG using ADC 5.6 and then open them in Breezebrowser. Alternatively ACR 5.6 and LR 2.6 are good options.

    • Hi Sean, It is not easy teaching the world… I am now way more confused than ever….

      Let’s try one thing at a time:

      Do you know if the latest version of BrBr now supports the 7D?

  • Susan Liddle

    Just occurred to me to peek at the BPN Forum, and I see the group is meeting at 2 pm. I need to be at a surprise birthday party in Princeton in the afternoon. Would you be at Barnegat in the morning? Or would you be able to do a private day while you are here? Thanks……

  • Susan Liddle

    I did not know about the Barnegat get-together. I’m not on BPN but would love to come if that’s ok! What time?
    All the pix are mine. Mawrter is my flickr username, which I picked from my college days. I tried other usernames for the yahoogroup but they all came back with numbers attached. Somehow I don’t see myself as Susan2010. 😉

  • You can also convert the raw files to DNG for use with almost any RAW processor. Many people do this all the time, but even if it’s not your normal workflow it’s a good workaround until your favorite Raw processor gets updated to work with these files. Breeze Downloader Pro will handle that conversion for you when you copy the files off your cards.

  • Susan Liddle

    Lovely image of a Canada Goose. Hope you enjoy your visit and holiday.
    Yesterday at Forsythe NWR three adult Bald Eagles put on a nice show over Gull Pond. My shots of it are on flickr at http://www.flickr.com/photos/mawrter/ Yet another cure for cabin fever!!
    Thank you again for your great blog and bulletins which are always interesting and an inspiration!

    • Hi Susan, Thanks for your kind words. I have not been to Brigantine in decades! Are all the pix at the link yours? If yes, who is Mawrter??? You sure have some great birds catching some great fish? Do you know about the BPN Barnegat get-together this coming Saturday?