BAA Bulletin #313, 1st Discount Offer, Mongoose M3.5b in Stock, Best Picture Ever! « Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART

BAA Bulletin #313, 1st Discount Offer, Mongoose M3.5b in Stock, Best Picture Ever!

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Canon 70-200mm f/4L IS lens with the 1.4X II TC (handheld at 235mm) and the EOS-7D. ISO 500. Evalautive metering at zero: 1/250 sec. at f/8. Flash with Better Beamer at -2 stops. When working with tame birds at close range, the 70-200 and a 7D is a great combination with or without the 1.4X teleconverter. As always, you can click on each image to see a larger, sharper version.


BIRDS AS ART Bulletin #313 is online now and can be viewed here:

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This bloody lion cub was photographed from the top of a safari van in Ndutu, Tanazania with the Canon 500mm f/4L IS lens, a 1.4X TC, and the EOS-1D Mark II on a Todd-Pod-mounted Wimberley head. ISO 800. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/80 sec. at f/5.6.

Todd Gustafson taught me how to photograph in Africa after I taught him much of what he knows about photography. Todd is highly skilled at capturing birds in flight and animals in action.  And his compositional skills are second to none.  Todd had made and led dozens of photographic safaris to Africa.  In his book, “A Photographer’s Guide to the Safari Experience,” he shares everything the he knows about photographing on the Dark Continent.   And I know because I helped craft every word of it <smile> We are glad to offer a $5 discount on the purchase price of the book on phone orders only: 863-692-0906.  Please mention the blog to receive your discount.  Whether you have been to Africa many times or are making your first trip, this book will prove to be invaluable.  And even those who will never get to Kenya or Tanzania will treasure the book just for the images.

Mongoose M3.5b in Stock

With the discontinuation of the Mongoose M2.3, it is getting harder and harder to get stock on the 3.5B.  We currently have 3 in stock.  This is the head that I use every day with my Canon 800mm f/5.6L IS lens.

Best Picture Ever!

Like most folks, I do not enjoy being photographed.  When folks ask me to smile, I freeze up and look doofy.  I rarely like images of myself.  After the recently concluded IPT, participant Becky Field sent me the candid image of me that she had created on the IPT.  It is my favorite-ever image of me.   By far.  I feel that it captures a great deal of my spirit.  Thanks a ton to Becky for sharing. 

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Arthur Morris smiling, San Diego, CA. Image courtesy of and copyright 2010: Rebecca Field (

8 comments to BAA Bulletin #313, 1st Discount Offer, Mongoose M3.5b in Stock, Best Picture Ever!

  • Earlier, I was trying to get the feed for the RSS for your blog site but it is not showing up in Google Chrome. Does anyone have any suggestions???

    • birdsasart

      Can you try again and let us know how it goes? (We were aware of the problem and it should be rectified now.)

  • James

    When reading the Bulletin header, I too thought the same – cool a discount on the Mongoose! Oh well it grabbed my attention at least.

    Thanks for the bulletins regardless.

    • YAW. Commas however, always have and always will indicate that you are reading a list. If there was a discount on the Mongoose heads, it would have read like this:

      BAA Bulletin #313, 1st Discount Offer: Mongoose M3.5b (in Stock), Best Picture Ever!

  • Joel E Haas

    Have looked for a week ,after first BAA Note and then here. Where is the discount on the Mongoose 3.5? Perhaps I am dense. Probably.

    • Confused would be a better word Here is the headline for the January 22 post: BAA Bulletin #313, 1st Discount Offer, Mongoose M3.5b in Stock, Best Picture Ever! There are four items in the headline, separated by commas. The second item announces the first ever discount offer. The third item is letting folks know that we had the M3.5b heads in stock. The items are separated by a comma indicating that they are indeed separate and unrelated. Below the lion image you find the first discount offer (on Todd’s book):

      Todd Gustafson taught me how to photograph in Africa after I taught him much of what he knows about photography. Todd is highly skilled at capturing birds in flight and animals in action. And his compositional skills are second to none. Todd had made and led dozens of photographic safaris to Africa. In his book, “A Photographer’s Guide to the Safari Experience,” he shares everything the he knows about photographing on the Dark Continent. And I know because I helped craft every word of it We are glad to offer a $5 discount on the purchase price of the book on phone orders only: 863-692-0906. Please mention the blog to receive your discount. Whether you have been to Africa many times or are making your first trip, this book will prove to be invaluable. And even those who will never get to Kenya or Tanzania will treasure the book just for the images.

  • I like all thee images in this post, the bird, the cat and the one of yourself. You should get photographed more often 🙂
    The Bulletin is – as always – full of many amazing images and great information. The image of the Redhead shows how to make a great shot of a species that many people consider to be just “some bird”.

    Thanks for making this all available on the web.
